Part of the Conservation Area - Castle Hill (s.25 - Stewardship Area) – a conservation category which provides protection based on the natural and historic values of the land. Gorge Hill and Prebble Hill were once part of Castle Hill Station but were purchased by the Nature Heritage Fund and returned to the Crown. Another piece of public conservation land within this location is Scenic Reserve Prebble Hill (an 8 hectare section within the boulders).
Castle Hill Station has a grazing lease on both Prebble and Gorge Hills but outside of lambing public access is allowed. Please be mindful that it is an both a working farm and a conservation area.
Castle Hill Station has lambing from October 1st to the 1st of December, please do not access this area in that time.
From DOC: Access to Gorge Hill and Prebble Hill, on public conservation land (PCL), is possible by following the marginal strip along Porters River (from the Porter River Bridge) or from Cave Stream (Either along the river or through Gorge Hill). The marginal strip along Thomas River does not provide practical access which can mean people inadvertently enter private property. Check for details of boundaries and marginal strips.